How to act cute seriously: those who tease than medical research
How to act cute seriously: those who tease than medical research
A strange sense of cuteness

Today, let's introduce a few things that have been published in serious medical journals but are very happy with their painting style. these studies are all from the British Medical Journal (BMJ), which is one of the top medical journals in the world, and the usual academic level is quite high. But several of the studies here are special: they use conventional medical research methods, and the data are real, but the subjects are funny. In fact, this kind of research paper is a way for this journal to celebrate Christmas and April Fool's Day, and you can think of it as a serious funny, serious act of cuteness

study 1: can you know if you have appendicitis?

if you follow the Ig Nobel Prize, you should know that this study won the Ig Nobel Prize this year, and it is published in BMJ's Christmas special issue.

this study solemnly counted whether emergency patients will suddenly feel more stomachache when driving through the speed bump (the one pictured above), and studied how this sign has anything to do with appendicitis. It is said that some inspired doctors will try to use this "jolting pain in the deceleration zone" to help diagnose appendicitis. However, this study found that the diagnosis of appendicitis really can not rely on it, in fact, many other diseases can also cause more stomachache due to bump in the deceleration zone. But if the deceleration zone doesn't hurt, it's probably not appendicitis.

however, this feeling is still of no use.

study 2: an apple a day cannot drive away a doctor

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this study is an April Fool's Day project of BMJ, which solemnly studies an English proverb through statistical data: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, it means literally.

what have they done? They counted how many apples the subjects ate in a day, and defined those who ate more than one apple a day as "regular apple eaters". Then they took medical data to analyze the difference in the frequency of seeing a doctor between regular apple eaters and infrequent apple eaters.

of course, the result is that it really doesn't matter whether you eat apples or not and whether you see a doctor.

study 3: there are more characters in children's films

this is in the BMJ Christmas special issue. The researchers analyzed and compared the deaths of characters in adult films and children's films, and concluded that children's film characters were more likely to die. By the way, they expressed concern about children's exposure to violence and death images.

(↑ study didn't analyze this one, but I just want to use it to make a matching picture. )

this actually sounds like nothing. Yeah, but the interesting thing is that they used survival analysis and statistical techniques in epidemiological studies. Egg pain should also highlight the professional _ (: egg "∠) _

all in all, this is probably a magical British sense of humor _ (: magic "∠) _