19 jewelry specially designed for anatomy lovers
19 jewelry specially designed for anatomy lovers
Today, let's focus on some interesting human anatomical jewelry.

as a medical student, I feel very interesting about human body structure (although I am not good at _ (: anatomy "∠) _)

if you are also interested in anatomy, the following jewelry may also suit you ~

(when I posted some interesting small items before, I was asked if I had bought links. The answer is generally yes, but they are all from abroad. I saw this original post on Buzzfeed. I read the original link. There is a purchase link in it. If you are interested, you can have a look at it.)

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brain ring:

vertebra necklace:

Dental bracelet:

Digestive system necklace:

Heart necklace Can also open

brain cufflinks:

lumbar pendant:

knee joint:

ear cufflinks (unfortunately not earrings 233)

spine ring:


golden chest:

kidney Cross section:

is another brain:

hyoid necklace:

cochlear necklace:

femoral earring:

finally, a piece of cold knowledge related to the human body

during kidney transplantation, the doctor will not take the original kidney away, but directly connect the new kidney to the corresponding tube. So, patients undergoing kidney transplants usually have three kidneys, like this:

during kidney transplantation, the doctor will not take the original kidney away, but directly connect the new kidney to the corresponding tube. So, patients undergoing kidney transplants usually have three kidneys, like this: